Last week it snowed for the first time - and it didn't cause total disruption! It wasn't so surprising to me but Brandyn being from BC was in total awe that he was able to drive anywhere he wanted the morning of the snowfall.
Brandyn and I also picked out the suits we are going with for the wedding. It is funny because I was convinced that I wanted the guys to be in a dark grey but when Brandyn tried it on, it didn't look so great. Straight black looked very sharp on him. The same night we also found this cute little Indian restaurant with these sweet cup type stuff!
Oh did I mention we went and saw Catching Fire. It was so amaze that I had to go get the next book because I couldn't wait for the movie to find out what happens (I'm really impatient if you haven't figured that out yet). I had read the first 2 books a long time ago (before the third even came out) but hadn't gotten to the third yet.
I noticed across the street from our place, the city had set up some sort of thing for what is apparently called the lighting festival. So we went down and checked it out.
And of course... Gizmo.
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