Friday, November 08, 2013

1 Month In: The Living Room

So last but not least: the living room. Here is the before:

The day these pictures were taken I was there to have the cable and internet installed. I was also really sick so that is why there is a blanket and Gatorade on the floor lol. Anyway. Here is the place now:

The view from the hallway. The bookcase is not even near done. I haven't organized it or anything really. I have just thrown stuff in there as you can see.

Here both cats have made an appearance. This is where Kitty hangs out 24/7 basically. The bins beside the media console are empty and are going into storage at some point in time... lol

The living room is set up into sections. On the left with the bookshelf will be my office area. The middle is the TV area obviously and then Brandyn's computer on this side.

And the empty wall that will soon be my office area. Those bins in the corner are full bins (childhood stuff) and are going into storage as well. The carpet is still rolled up because i just haven't put it down yet.

As you can see, not much at all has been done with the living room. It took forever to unpack mainly because we didn't have bookshelf so I was just unpacking things from one box to put in another. I got fed up and went and got the bookshelf I wanted. 

What we still need to do in this area:
  • Bring those items to storage 
  • Get some throw pillows for the couch
  • Add some art above the couch
  • Finish my office space
  • Look for a rug that fits the room better (also another part of the reason I haven't put it down)
  • Get a new couch cover (the cover ripped in the move but a new cover doesn't cost that much)
  • Get a coffee table

That is basically in order of importance as well! lol
And that, my friends, is our apartment as it stands right now! You will see it again very soon though because on Tuesday we will be decorating for the holidays and the Christmas music IS coming on despite Brandyn's protests :)

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