Wednesday, October 02, 2013

Shower Games + FREE Customizable Templates

 When I was trying to figure out games, I wanted to do stuff that isn't that popular. You know, so people aren't bored. Mind you, I've only ever been to three bridal showers so my perception probably isn't as accurate but everybody at my shower seemed pretty into the games so I think I succeeded with that.

We had 4 games. We let everyone eat first and then started the first game. It was called Wonder Words. I bought some labels and put words or word combinations to do with weddings on each label (the amount of people who were coming). Ex: bride, wedding party, something blue, stag...etc. At the shower, a label was put on each guest's forehead. They then had to try and guess what their label said by asking guests up to 3 yes or no answer questions each. I chose to do this one first because it would get everybody up and out of their seats and mingling. 

Make sure to tell everyone to wait until all the labels are distributed before they start. This game a lot of people seemed to get into and I was really surprised at how fast the winner guessed their answer. Her first question was, "Is this what happens after the wedding?" .... smart lady! 

The second game was a version of the "He said, She said" game that I have seen around. I titled it Guess Who. I made the template on Microsoft Word and just printed a bunch. In terms of the winner, we allowed for 2 winners to eliminate any tie breakers.

After the second game, we opened up the dessert table. Once that was finished we started a game called What Is She Wearing. This one isn't so original but I thought it would be a fun one to pick their brain. Everybody had fun with it. I got a lot of "Oh you are wearing open toed! I knew that!" type responses to the game. I also made a template for this game to get more specific answers out of them. This one we also allowed for two winners. I still ended up having to do a tie breaker question so I just asked the two when Brandyn and I started dating.

The last game didn't involve any guests getting a prize. It was more of a show. There was a questionnaire and Brandyn answered the questions and put them in an envelope which was given to my bridesmaids. I would say half the guests enjoyed this one. Apparently my reactions were pretty entertaining. We played this one last because it would place me already sitting down which eased the transition into gift opening.

For the prizes we took advantage of the deals at Bath and Body Works. They also give free cellophane wrap and ties. We got a lotion, lip gloss and small candle. For our favors, we bought candy and some cute little bags from Michael's. You can see them on the table here.

Pssst.... If you would like any of these games for a shower you are planning, give me a shout in the comments below and I will customize it specifically for you (colors, wording, etc) and send you the PDF for free!

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