Over the past little while, I've been working on a project for myself and I finally completed it!
I like to have pictures, I am a visual person so I found the matching pictures online and put it together. I have 5 tabs. Breakfast, sauces and dips, soups and salads, entrees, desserts, and big boss. Big boss is a grill my Mom got me when I moved into my first place and it had a huge recipe book for it.
It was a really easy project - just time consuming! I ended up having to buy a bigger binder because I had so many recipes! The cover is a template I found on the internet. It is located here. You can get it in a couple different colors. I chose pink because I likey :) As you can tell by my blog... haha
And here it is stored with the rest of my cookbooks (although I don't really use the traditional English because after I went through it there wasn't much I found appealing.... not to mention I haven't even heard of most of them. #PortugueseProblems) Yes I just hash tagged on my blog... It was the only way to adequately explain the situation!
Yay! It looks so pretty :) And I've already successfully cooked two dishes out of it!
I have also started making a weekly menu and then getting the groceries needed for the week. It saves me from being overwhelmed with all the things we could eat for dinner and making sure we have the right ingredients. First week of that plan = successful. Eventually I want to get this from Etsy. It's so pretty!
It can be found here
Until then, the weekly menu will be in the memos on my phone! That is all for today. Make sure to keep checking the 365 day project. I update that every couple days or so and I've also updated the bucket list and places I want to travel! :)